Why do you love horror?

Firstly, thank you for digging through the depths of the internet to find my page. Like most people, I'm juggling time to get as much writing done as possible.

If you enjoy horror, of all types then have a look at some of my published works below. Many have been producted in audio form and most are FREE. Each of my stories is a stamp in time, and hopefully shows some progress as I move forward with the craft.

Have a listen and let me know what you think through the contact page or social media.

Of all the genres, I've asked myself why write horror?

I'm guessing you're a fan of horror, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this far, so I would like to ask you the same. Why do you read horror fiction?

In a few pages we can share the experience of, love, loss, fear triumph, redemption and humanities attempt to gain control.

Occasionally, that control slips. We see another viewpoint, not considered, but always present. Isn't that something we've always feared?

Imagine it's late at night

My kids say they hate scary stories. They grow fearful of the wolf, or the witch lurking with treats of gingerbreads, but yet they ask for them before bedtime.

They know they are safe and any fearsome creatures are safely away from their plumped pillows and duvet before lights are out.

Now and then they creep into our bed. Something has triggered their minds to seek out protection, and it's us they want. What a humble feeling. You know you will protect those children from anything whatever the cost.

Imagine it is late at night. You are alone. Those same fears overwhelm you, but you have nobody to protect you. It's very real. It's here! There is no escape. What do you do?

Isn't this the question we explore in horror?

My wife made the point recently, that at some point, my children would look at their father's life and may read a story or two. This made me think. What would they find there? What would they find out about me from my stories, if anything?

Truth. That's why I like horror. It explores a truth about us. It gives us a glimse into what makes us scared and what could be hidden from us. Well, that's what I thought, anyway.

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Get in touch at jtshieldsj@gmail.com